Hey lovelies!, Unicity allows you to take courses from your campus tutorial masters, also our virtual marketplace for campus items, our extensive database of past questions that allows you to practice, gain insights into exam patterns, and track your progress. Ready to explore? Let’s dive in.
We are at your campus to offer
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Why Choose us
Campus Niche
Our Resource sharing library
Easy to use interface
Our Marketplace
Explore Our Market Place
The marketplace stands as a vibrant crossroads where items meet new owners. Here, buyers and sellers engage in a dance of supply and demand,
weaving intricate exchange
As you contribute to the platform you earn points which in turn earns badges, and hence recognition which attracts various rewards
Explore Academic Resources
We allow students share and get their respective academic resources at each levels and department on your different campuses,
and guess what rewards are attached
Chinemerem Chiagozie
Student, Federal University of Technology, Owerri
Charles James
Student, Federal University of Technology, Owerri
Maxmilian Benedicta
Alumini, Federal University of Technology, Owerri
At Unicity we recognize those who have made serious impacts to students via this platform
Level NaN
Level NaN
Level NaN
Here are some frequently asked questions