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Elite Tutors
Share and get resources

Learn, Shop, and Share:
Your All-in-One Campus Hub.

Hey lovelies!, Unicity allows you to take courses from your campus tutorial masters, also our virtual marketplace for campus items, our extensive database of past questions that allows you to practice, gain insights into exam patterns, and track your progress. Ready to explore? Let’s dive in.

Our Services

We are at your campus to offer

Exclusive Tutors

Academic videos from excellent students on campus.
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List pre-owned items

Are you in search of where to post your pre-owned/refurbished items in campus? we've gat you
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Search Listed Items

Are you in search of getting refurbished items on campus? Unicity is here.
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Share Resources

Unicity enables you help others by sharing your learning resources.
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Get Resources

unicity enables others gain access to resources you and others posted.
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Why Us

Why Choose us

Campus Niche

Unicity is in your campus niche, ensuring students get materials, past question and refurbished items within their campus vicinity.

Our Resource sharing library

We allow students share their exam past question once exam is done, ensuring community support and growth

Easy to use interface

Our easy to use interface allows you to easily navigate making our website fun and simple

Our Marketplace

We provide students with an online store on capmus for free, giving them liberty to post their items and reach out to people

Explore Our Market Place

Our Most Popular Items

The marketplace stands as a vibrant crossroads where items meet new owners. Here, buyers and sellers engage in a dance of supply and demand,
weaving intricate exchange

Explore All Items

Earn Badges and Be Recognised

As you contribute to the platform you earn points which in turn earns badges, and hence recognition which attracts various rewards


Novice Trader




Resource Expert


Top Merchant

Explore Our Badges

Explore Academic Resources

Our Most Popular Academic Resources

We allow students share and get their respective academic resources at each levels and department on your different campuses,
and guess what rewards are attached

Explore Academic Resources


I see this as a dawn of a new beginning in students' campus experience.

Chinemerem Chiagozie

Chinemerem Chiagozie

Student, Federal University of Technology, Owerri

I love how Unicity brings together everything I need for my academic success.

Charles James

Charles James

Student, Federal University of Technology, Owerri

An online store on campus is surly a game changer for students, with its ease to use interface.

Maxmilian Benedicta

Maxmilian Benedicta

Alumini, Federal University of Technology, Owerri

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Elite Contributors of the month

At Unicity we recognize those who have made serious impacts to students via this platform



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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions

Start selling your items on unicity now, get materials and resources for free and also connect with students on your

campus now!!!